10. Boris- Heavy Rocks

In a year that Boris released three full length albums (which unconventionally seem to form their 30th anniversary celebrations), I have made a rule to pick just one. So, unfortunately the ambient “W” will have to miss out, along with the amazing drone record “fade”. Instead I have opted for the blazing “Heavy Rocks” because it feels like such a solid, unmissable release in Boris’ overall discography. It’s messy, headache inducing and noisy- but ultimately compelling as hell. Whenever you think Boris have done everything they manage to surprise with a new sound or idea and this album really highlights that. Also it has alto sax and that’s just fucking wild.

9. Just Mustard- Heart Under

Just Mustard’s latest album “Heart Under” was one that was on heavy repeat all year for me. Absolutely the best shoegaze album I came across in 2022, with some of the most incredibly textured production value you will hear on anything. It’s dark, moody and all elevated by the beautiful vocals of vocalist Katie Bell. One random description I saw when it dropped that really stuck with me was “if CHVRCHES did shoegaze”, this seems pretty spot on. Don’t miss it.


MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS returned with another blazer of an album, once again no skips and just enough surprises (a hint of nu metal anyone?!!) to really keep it distinct yet uniform in their catalog. One of the most standout tracks for me is the 8 minute instrumental piece “1960” which is a kind of MOTFD take on krautrock, and serves as the centerpiece that the rest of the tracks wind their way around. This gives the album a really neat structure and makes listening to it as a whole that much more rewarding. Excellent work as always.

7. Wet Leg- Wet Leg

Wet Leg are a band that’s been creating noise in the indie sphere (now slightly peeking into the mainstream) for a short time now, and their debut album, for me, is one of the best debut albums in a long time. It’s cheeky, playful, loud and most importantly- tight as fuck. The album doubles down on the sass lyrically (and indeed this crosses over into their ‘band for fun’ attitude). Never too serious, but always compelling musically, this indie banger is one that likes to have a laugh while simultaneously grips you with it’s fantastic hooks.

6. Black Country, New Road- Ants From Up Here

Ahhh, the darling of the year. What to say that hasn’t been spouted by every indiehead on the scene? The followup to the fantastic ‘For the first time’ finds the band more subtle and reflective this time round. Some of the songs here are so beautiful it hurts, the fact vocalist Isaac Wood quit the band just days before the album released drives home what a special album this is for fans. This time round, things are slower, take time to linger and eventually release into some of the most gorgeous moments on any rock album in the last decade. While I didn’t find myself revisiting it as much as their chaotic debut record, I still loved this one immensely and am fascinated where the band go next. One of the ‘must listens’ of the year.


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